Friday, November 21, 2008

Thank you God for the Joy today!

I thank you God for the beautiful day you have given Everett and I. We started off today by having breakfast in one of our favorite little cafes in Galva. Then we headed to Mac to take care of our new little twins (which by the way are 5 mo. already) and Henry. What a joy, then I headed to preschool to watch our other 5 yr. old grandson's play and ate lunch with him and mommy and daddy, it was a joy to be with them...then my granddaughter Annie came home from college and I got to see her, and what a joy that was...then Everett and I headed to Wichita, did a little Christmas shopping, ( I do mean a little) one gift bought..and what I wanted to get Everett for Christmas I got him today (because he asked) then we headed to his Uncle's that is soon to be 94 had a wonderful visit with too, was such a joy to sit in his living room of the house he built in warm and cozy..hearing stories of the it...

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