Sunday, November 23, 2008

Full House and Two full tables

We had our thanksgiving dinner today...we are a growing family..just our immediate family we now have 2 tables full, one of adults and one of children and lots and lots of food..10 lbs potatoes, 1 ham,
1 turkey..more sweet potatoes more then I can count..2 lbs mac and cheese..2 apple pies, 1 pumpkin and brownies..I can go on and on...

It was the twins first Thanksgiving, they really didn't take up to much room. Jack slept most of the day Sophie wanted to be held mostly by her Papaw..why do they love him so...Grandma's tired tonight, cooking a big dinner is fun, but a lot and lots of kinda reminds me of a wedding you work so hard and plan and in minutes it's over..wish it would leave my waist that quick...:)

Now on Thursday we will go and help with our church to feed the ones that don't have a place to go or food to eat..I am looking forward to that.

Today I give thanks for God's provision, His love and His promise of NEVER will He ever leave us or forsake us. As our sermon went the morning he does have expectations of His children though..I want to be a faithful servant.
I have so much to be Thankful for....


Abby Jones said...

We wish we could have been there! Miss you lots.

Evy said...

I wish you could have been here too. I miss you lots!!!