Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Giving Thanks

It is the time of year that we should all reflect on what we have to be thankful for.
The Word of God says In all things give thanks. No matter what our circumstances are we can find at least one thing to be thankful for if not more.

Today I am thankful for my children..the love and respect that they have for their father and I. I have 3 of the most respectful children that I know. They have for the most part always been this way to Everett and I. God has so blessed us with our children and continues to do so. So many times I feel that way and fail to tell them so I am telling you all now THANK YOU..for your love for Dad and me. I am also so very thankful for my 2 daughter-in-laws and son-in-law, although we do not see them as in-laws but as our own. I so claim them as mine...So for today this is what I am thanking God for...Thank you Lord