Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Words of Comfort

There is a song that I love, and some of the words go like this.
Talking about Heaven, this is how it goes:
There is a place somewhere beyond the blue
That is prepared for me and you
Somewhere beyond the skies
Some call it heaven
Some call it Paradise
But I call it Home

This morning that is a very comforting thought for me knowing that I have a Home that is prepared just for me....

Maybe this is comforting to me because I know how quickly this life passes...and we just don't know when He will call us home...this is not a morbid thought but a glorious thought to know that a King came down here as a babe grew to manhood and loved me so much that He died for me...What greater love has He that lays down His life for me....and you....so that we can have eternal life.....

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