Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today the Day

Today is the day that I have been counting down for, for about a month now. As of 3:30 today I will have 17 days off...YIP YEE!!! I am so excited. Don't have to get up at 4:45 am....go out in the cold..come in work and wonder what kind of mood everyone is going to be in...etc..I am so ready to "CHILL" out...
But until then I am having the Rama Babes over to my house for lunch..I should say feast..ham, tators and gravy, creme corn, fruit salad, cabbage salad, dinner rolls and then a yummy dessert..can't of the girls fixed a breakfast cassrole of breakfast here this morning...then we come back and get to clean..just before shutdown we really clean good, so that when we come back it it really nice...

Wonder what the year 2009 will of the girls that has worked for me for 13 yrs is quitting the will be different without her. I will miss her....One is going to have a baby in March and maybe won't be coming back...but until then (and then) I am going to take one day at a time...and enjoy my time off..looking forward to Jeff, Abby and Stella coming home, Christmas at our house...Christmas eve, my favorite day of the year....I can't wait....

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