Friday, December 16, 2011

When we have no choice

There are so many things in our life  that can happen to us and we have no choice in the matter, they just happen.........................

We have no choice into which family we are born.....babies have no choice and no voice in the matter if the mother decides to abort them............................

There is no choice in the color of our eyes, our skin, our hair (as babies) our get the picture..

Bad things happen to us, which we if given a choice would not choose...such as tornados taking away all our possessions, earthquakes, floods etc....

When we loose a loved one...children die either because of  sickness or accidents way to early in life...maybe our spouse...a parent....a friend.....maybe we have a bout with cancer....or other sickness....lupus....M.S. or lots of other sickness can come upon us...someone being hit by a drunk driver.....

Then there are other things that can really shake our unfaithful spouse....a wayward child....a broken family that healing might seem impossible....

Today I wonder why....I spent some time with a very hurting friend of mine that has to go through a very horrible time.....that totally seems like it is out of her control...she had no choice in the matter....I don't have answers for any of this..but do know there is one choice that we can make.....if we are a wayward soul out there....we can turn to our only hope that we have and that IS IN Christ.....we must seek HIS forgivness and repent and forsake our way and follow HIM...because without making that choice there is no hope....

He came as a wrinkled babe....born of a a lowly live the perfect life that we cannot...and to be the perfect sacrifice...for our sins.....that we may have life and have it abundantly...not without pain, and not without sickness nor loss....but He promise in Hebrews 13:5 I will never leave you or forsake you...when we seek Him honestly and with all our heart...In our trials, and we will have them...He will be there for us....

I have struggled with different things this week....and my hubby sat down one day and said...we have a choice....we can follow Christ or we can follow Satan...there are only 2 roads.....when we live in the what if's....and keep looking back...our eyes cannot be focused on our Savior.....and the evil one of this world loves that......

I want to keep my eyes on the Babe....this Christmas season.....and remember why He came...the perfect gift of CHOICE is ours.....

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November evening....

Can't really put into words about these pictures...this was our sunset tonight...
Only God...could possibly paint a picture like this...His Glory...His love, His beautiful creation...Only God....

He who gave His only begotten save the world...He died for each one of us...paid our sin debt...set us free...and now is the time we take to celebrate HIS birth..
what are we doing...are we reflecting on what this birth meant for us...or are we all caught up in what the world has made this.....there is nothing wrong with giving..we all should give....look what He gave us.....His all....

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011 at the Boese's

Homemade Mac and Cheese
C & C Sausage
Sweet Pototoes!!
Dishing up those plates!!
Making Memories !

Blessings....from God....I am so THANKFUL....Thank you Father for each and everyone of this beautiful family you have given me....I missed my Chicago family...Abby, Jeff, Stella and Lucy....maybe next year!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

24 hours

I have a thing for clocks. Big clocks. I love them. I would have one in every room, and I almost do. I should not be late for nothing as many clocks that I have in my house. From my stove to my microwave to my cd player I have 4 in my kitchen.

In my all my bathrooms I have a clock my bedroom alone has no matter where I go in my house I should know what time it it.

Now, we all have the same 24 hours in our day. What we do with that time we will one day all be accountable for it. Whether we waste it away, choose to worry it away, choose to sleep it away, read it away or simply do not much of anything or work it away ( which that can't be helped we need to earn a living.) What I am saying how we choose to use our time is very important and probably more important then we think. Our effort and energy can go on a lot of wrong and useless things. Things that in the end will not count. Just yesterday we had a chance to go back in time and relive one hour. I think I slept through it. But how often do we say if I could just go back....but would we really do things so different. I hope that I would. But then maybe what I did back then has molded me to what I have become today.  God has a way of using our past if we let Him to mold us and make us into the person that He wants us to be. If we let Him and that is my desire.

One thing is for sure we all have 24 hours in our day and we all can waste it or make the most of it. None of us are getting younger and each day everyone on this earth is older then they were the day before. I want to make the most of my time and I fail....but I want to grab on to the things that matter and let go of the things that don't and that should free me up to do more of the things that do count....for eternity....

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happenings in our Family

On Oct 26th our little Annie Bannie got engaged. It was so exciting and we are so happy for her. If everything goes as planned Annie and Cody will be tieing the knot this time next year.
Another change coming for our family. And as I have blogged about before nothing stays the same. Sometimes it feels like the older you get is kinda like a pushup icecream treat that Schwans has. You just keep licking off the icecream and pretty soon the icecream has all been pushed up to the top and it is gone. That is how sometimes I feel when all the changes take place.....I am so happy for everyone, but as I look back the changes that are taking place for me now are taking place in others lives. Time just goes on and on but different now that it is other instead of me. I won't have the babies or be the Mother of the Bride but my role now is Grandmother, Greatgrandmother.....looking on and so thankful that my family lets me be involved and wants me very thankful for cup runneth over...Thank you God! Congratulations to Annie and Cody...we love you !!! And are looking forward to the fun time of getting ready for the wedding...

Last Friday I had gallbladder surgery. So this week I am has been kinda nice to lay low.  I have been reading, working on memorizing scripture. This is a new adventure for me. It is taxing my brain and is a lot of hard work. But it is worth it and I am thankful for how it is renewing my mind. It takes my focus off of unimportant things to eternal. I am doing a bible study with some women in our church and we are doing Changed into His Image by Jim Berg. Very, Very good study. Each week we have a different verse to memorize.

It has been different and given me a glimise into what retirement with Everett might be. I know that it will be an adjustment and I am not ready to retire yet and have no plans to but it maybe would be nice. But getting back to now I am not one just to sit and do nothing. So it has been nice. Been feeling really good and each day is better.

Thank you everyone for all your help and food!!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What I Believe

So many times I believe that we beat around the bush so to speak not to step on anyones toes....
I believe that we go around most of the time without a clue who we really are....
Personally....either wanting to impress others..and not even knowing what we are doing and why...

Why do we believe what we believe??? Is it because we were taught??? Is it because we ourselves took the time to find out the truth and go from there to form our belief system...Just asking....

This question really has been on my mind lately..I don't know if it is because of my age...knowing that I have way more years behind me then in front of I know that no one knows when they are going to die...but chances on if you are younger 60 you have more years then someone older then that...don't know for sure but......I know I am getting on to my golden years....and for the most part I love where I am at right is is good....

Now, I want to be real....I want to be all that God intended for me to be here on earth...I wish I would have wanted this years ago but.....again I cannot go back...and God says in His word that if you put your hand to the plow and look back you are not fit for the Kingdom of God....Lule I am going forward...taking each day at a time...but that is hard...Satan wants to come and haunt me at time with my past...but I tell him....that is behind me and God has forgiven me as far as the east is from the west....Psalms 103:12....I will remember your sins no more.....Hebrews 8:12....Jeremiah 31:34....Isaiah 43:25....God's promises...we always  think that we need to do is was finished at the cross....Jesus says in John 19:30 IT IS FINISHED.....He paid it all ...I can do nothing...I can't comb my hair a membership....dress....just obey...the One who died for my life to Him....and be everything that He has created me to be....that is what I want....

To let go and Let Him......He has given me so much....blessings beyond measure....I am so thankful...
I want to give back....all of me....for His glory.....This is my desire....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Here and now....Happy 1st Birthday dear Lucy Irene

My, My how sweet she is....

Never in a millon years did I ever think that all my children would actually grow up, leave home and have families of their own...days of bottles, diapers...(and I washed pampers for me...) crying, sickness, cuts and bruices....slobery kisses...etc would ever end..just thought that they would always be here...

Wrong....Everett and I have now been empty nesters....let's see.....about 17yrs give or

The day Abby Jo was born....what a day....waiting...wondering will it be a boy or girl...what would he, she look like....I had an awful headache after she was much excitment....oh what a feeling...first grandchild.....( they all have been very special...)

Now that first Grandchild....has a daughter of her first Great Grandbaby...oh how precious she is...just like her mama......and tomorrow this little angel turns one.....I wish I could hold her, kiss her.....wrap my fingers into her little chubby ones....and sing...Baby Bye there's  a fly...let us catch him you and I...there he goes on his toes...tickling baby's nose...I believe with those 6 legs you and I could crawl on bye there's a fly let us catch him you and I....

Love you Lucy Irene....have a great 1st Birthday....from .....your Papaw...and Gigi....

Monday, September 5, 2011


Forty years ago Everett and I bought this house...I thought that I had a mansion...compared to what I had lived seemed huge....

We have redecorated it many times...carpet, wallpaper, paint, new kitchen had been was green and white  when we moved in, we painted it yellow and now it is red..I love the took me awhile to be brave enough to paint it red, but love, love it red little home until I reach my heavenly home.....this little red house in my temporary home here on earth...

When we bought this house I never thought we would actually stay here this long....I was 23..Chad was not born yet.. Steph was 5 and Talmage was 3. Everett's dad sat on our couch in our living room the first time he was here and said " you have a really nice home here why don't you stay here for awhile" I wish he was still living so he could know that we are still here...and maybe he does know....

There have been times I have wanted to tear out walls, build on and so on...but never have...I kinda like it just the way it is....It is small when everyone comes home but for the most part when it is just the two of us it is perfect....not to much to clean but yet for us very roomy...

40 years in one place is a long time.....growing years....some good some not so good...but it has been my life here....I am thankful that 40 years ago God opened the door to this home for us....

We have even had a wedding here...our first grandchild, (Abby) wanted to get married at Grandma's house what a blessing.....

There is a song....about Heaven....some call it paradise......but I will call it home...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Time

This summer of 2011 is quickly flying by, I can hardly stand it.

We have been to Oklahoma to visit my neice and family what a wonderful time....
We have been to Texas to my hubby's neice and family...what a wonderful time...
We have been camping twice....what a wonderful time....
We have been to Chicago with our granddaughter and hubby and my 2 precious Greatgranddaughters..What a wonder time....
We took our first ever train Chicago...everyone needs to do that at least once...what a wonderful time....

God is Good.....I love summer......

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy Birthday to my first born son.....

My son....born June 2...10:45 am Sunday morning.....what a blessing....God has given us....He is the most loving, thoughtful, caring, wonderful son, daddy, brother and friend anyone could have.......

He is always kind to his father and me...he always says he loves me before he hangs up when I have talked to him on the phone....

He runs his own business....has 4 wonderful children and just recently...all his family and him were baptised.. and gave his testimony of giving his life to Christ.....

We are proud of you Talmage and love you, have a HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!  ( and many more!)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Haven of Rest....

Happy Spring from our house to yours!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over

There are times when I can't believe how blessed I am. This is one of those times and sometimes it scares me to be very truthful.

My heart runneth over with love and thanksgiving for what God has given Everett and I.

I think there are way to many times we brush things off with forgetfulness at good things that happen and where that goodness comes from when we are His. I don't want to forget and I can see His hand in everything.

To be still and know that He is listen to His calling, and being obedient to what He would have us do.

Coming up on this Sunday...the day we set aside to remember what He has given to us in His Son Jesus and how Jesus being obedient to what His Father's will was and going to the Cross to die for me....that I may have everlasting life, not because of what I have done or who I am but because of what Jesus did for me...and by faith, through Grace are we saved and not of ourselves....and He promises us life, abundantly!

Oh who am I that a King would bleed and die for....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Let's Pray

Papaw is going to pray.....much to my surprise Sophie folded her hands and bowed to pray.
She is 2 and 1/2.

The twins...we have them this week...Chad, Sarah, Sam and Henry are in Florida for the week. Our house has come alive.

"Thank you Jesus"......for all our blessings....Randy, Stephanie, Abby, Jeff, Stella, Lucy, Annie, Abraham, Cody, Talmage, Tabetha, Shanyn, Sydney, Sally, Simon, Chad, Sarah, Sam, Henry, Sophie, and Jack...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wait Just a Little Bit Longer

Sometimes wouldn't we just love to stop time...for one more hour, one more minute, one more second.
Let me stay in the hot bubble bath just a little longer....
Let me hold my babies one more time....
Let me not erase the little notes my grandkids leave on my blackboard and let me remember them forever..
Let me sleep 5 more minutes in the morning.....
Don't let my coffee cup be empty....
I don't want my life to be half full.....I want it all.......

I want the slobbery kisses, I want the "I um u's, I want the soft kisses on the cheeks, I want the feeling of you falling asleep in my arms one more time...the smell of the stinky feet when I take off your shoes and socks after a long day of play.....I want to sit at my Mother's dining room table one more time and eat her roast, mashed potatoes and apple pie...I want to not have a care in the world for one day....someone else paying the bills......I want the feeling of someone always being there to take care of me no matter what happens...

We are always in a hurry....hurry to bed...hurry to get up....hurry to get this done, that done, and then we want to do this....and then that.....

I want to holler" STOP"..let me stay just a little bit longer....savor the moment....where does the time go???
Always waiting....for this....for that....
I am thankful....thankful for the days the Lord has given me, for the opportunities I have had for the times I have taken.....and regretful for the once that I have missed....but I can't go back....just forward...learning everyday from my mistakes and trying the next to do better and missing the goal once again...but go on and on and try and pray that today I do better...not always looking what might be beyond me to to do..but cherish each moment....and thanking God for each day that He gives is so fragile, and God is in control....of my time here on earth...but I am in control of how spend it....I really don't want to waste it...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bethany and Kaity

This week our church had a concert presented by the Chamber Singers from Maranatha Baptist College and Seminary of Watertown Wi. We housed these two girls and what a delight and blessing they were.

We talked and shared testomonies and stories and as we learned of them we shared about us. We enjoyed their concert and loved having them into our home for a bit....Two more that I will someday meet up with in Heaven....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

You Just Never Know

You just never know when you wake up in the morning what kind of day it will be. What will happen. Everett used to carry a card in his Bible that said " YOU may tie your shoes in the morning but by night the undertaker may untie them". How many times when we wake up do we think of something going wrong, or out of our plans. But how many times does it actually happen...I would say that if we kept track a lot...most of the time out of our control and sometimes it can be in our control.....

Yesterday at about 11:10 I had taken a bathroom break at work when one of the girls hammered on the door and said Everett is oln the phone and needs to talk to you right away, and I knew if he needed to talk to me right away something was not alright.She handed me the phone and said " It is Jack" heart started beating harder as I took the phone and Everett said that Jack had almost had the end of his finger cut off and it was just hanging there by what went through my mind was that maybe he had gotten a hold of the sissors or maybe a knife...but at any rate we didn't know how just knew they were in route to the ER and needed us to be there to the story unfolded he had gotten his finger in the side of the door where the hinges are and his little sister being on the other side didn't know he was there with his little finger in the door and slammed the door shut and that was that......the poor little guy wound up going to Hutchinson hospital into surgery to have his tip of his right ring finger sewn back far all is well...quite an ordeal for the little guy.....but he has been a trooper and it could have been a lot worse....for sure....

His injury yesterday led Everett to his note for the day for me...and now you , who read this blog....

" Don't shut the door on Jesus...if you do then you will let Him slip right through the tips of your fingers...."

Thought that was worth sharing....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Anniversary March 3

27 years ago these two were married....Love you both and Randy we love you as our own son. You did great you two...have a GREAT day and many, many more years...May God Bless you forever......

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Makes a House a Home??

So many times we here say "oh have you seen the house down the street that is for sale?" or do you know that the boese's bought the jone's house and it is such a beautiful place. or did you know that the walker's are building a new house? But do we think about what it takes to make that house a home? A haven of rest when we are tired. A place to come back to when we have been on vacation and saying "oh man it is so good to be home." First and foremost our home should be a place where God is the center. My bible that I am showing here was my probably my great, great grandfather's I really am not sure I just remember it sitting on the top shelf  above the stairway of my parents home. I was so happy to get this. By the looks of this it has been read alot. now it sits on my parlor table I can hardly touch it because it is falling apart. I love this old Bible and wonder about the hands that use to hold it and read it and I wonder what kind of walk they had with God. Another thing that I think makes a house a home of course is LOVE but also homemade things. Things that family or friends have made for you, to take the time and think about something that you would like and then to make it. The pictures and art work above the black dresser here my Granddaughter Annie made for us. I love them. The cross on the board Everett made for me. With the thorns on top of the cross.
I have lots of homemade things in my home and just really think they give the home a cozy feeling. Another thing that I love and feel like brings warmth into the home are candles and I am forever burning candles. Also I love lamps. The soft lights of the lamps. I can not have to many lamps and I have a lot. The smell of coffee brewing, roast cooking in the oven, bacon frying are all fragrance's that remind me of home. There are a lot of different things we can think of but tonight these are just some that came to my mind. The comforts of home. Some say home is where the heart is I say home is where God is...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Neither Here Nor There

Last week we had one of the biggest snow storms that we have had in a very, very long time. It was a beautiful snow and aside from the fact that it was also bitterly cold I loved it. I loved snuggling in at night when I got home, getting stuck, plowing threw the first streets of the early morning, there is just something so pure about newly fallen snow. Just makes me wonder how each tiny snow flake can mount up to 17 inches of snow...

The pictures are my home last week with the snow storm that we had. The one is of our back yard and the other one is of my flower pots on the front porch. One is of our bird bath that Everett puts a heater in so the birds can have their water.

The other 2 pictures are of my house in the spring, summer. The front pot with flowers in and the back deck that is decorated and waiting for our Granddaughters wedding. Abby got married in our back yard. It was a beautiful wedding and I will cherish that day forever. It was so much fun getting ready for her wedding.

Ok now the freshly beautiful snow, so pure and so fresh...just as pretty as the flowers of spring. Each picture has a beauty all it's own.

The pure fallen snow can remind us of a young beautiful bride, all dressed in white, pure awaiting her soon to be husband..beautiful...that is what God intented.

The beautiful spring blooming, like life, beginning with wonderful expectations, new home, getting to know one another, then children all fresh and new experience's. How exciting....

As life goes on, things happen, some not so great...our dreams and hopes can shatter, kinda like the snow when we start to trample in it, drive in it, it gets dirty, not so pretty anymore and we just want it to go can get that way, sickness may set in, families may not get along, abuse, death...sometimes we just want it to go away....

Flowers fade, they die, they welt, they disappear, at the end of summer they just don't look so pretty anymore,and we await to pull them out and clean out our flower pots...

Again, in life we get older we fade, people don't listen to us as they once did...sometimes we can just disappear...not so pretty again we await...

But then we know that Jesus came, and He came to clean us up, our dirty hearts, our dirty spirits, He comes in like the freshly fallen snow and washes our hearts that pure and a bride awaiting her husband, to care, love her, to stand by her,to help her.. For that is what we are as Believers in Christ we are His Bride. That is what Christ wants to do for care for us, to love us, protect us....Come to me all you that are heavy laden and I will give you rest...That is what HE says....