Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wait Just a Little Bit Longer

Sometimes wouldn't we just love to stop time...for one more hour, one more minute, one more second.
Let me stay in the hot bubble bath just a little longer....
Let me hold my babies one more time....
Let me not erase the little notes my grandkids leave on my blackboard and let me remember them forever..
Let me sleep 5 more minutes in the morning.....
Don't let my coffee cup be empty....
I don't want my life to be half full.....I want it all.......

I want the slobbery kisses, I want the "I um u's, I want the soft kisses on the cheeks, I want the feeling of you falling asleep in my arms one more time...the smell of the stinky feet when I take off your shoes and socks after a long day of play.....I want to sit at my Mother's dining room table one more time and eat her roast, mashed potatoes and apple pie...I want to not have a care in the world for one day....someone else paying the bills......I want the feeling of someone always being there to take care of me no matter what happens...

We are always in a hurry....hurry to bed...hurry to get up....hurry to get this done, that done, and then we want to do this....and then that.....

I want to holler" STOP"..let me stay just a little bit longer....savor the moment....where does the time go???
Always waiting....for this....for that....
I am thankful....thankful for the days the Lord has given me, for the opportunities I have had for the times I have taken.....and regretful for the once that I have missed....but I can't go back....just forward...learning everyday from my mistakes and trying the next to do better and missing the goal once again...but go on and on and try and pray that today I do better...not always looking what might be beyond me to to do..but cherish each moment....and thanking God for each day that He gives is so fragile, and God is in control....of my time here on earth...but I am in control of how spend it....I really don't want to waste it...

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