Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Neither Here Nor There

Last week we had one of the biggest snow storms that we have had in a very, very long time. It was a beautiful snow and aside from the fact that it was also bitterly cold I loved it. I loved snuggling in at night when I got home, getting stuck, plowing threw the first streets of the early morning, there is just something so pure about newly fallen snow. Just makes me wonder how each tiny snow flake can mount up to 17 inches of snow...

The pictures are my home last week with the snow storm that we had. The one is of our back yard and the other one is of my flower pots on the front porch. One is of our bird bath that Everett puts a heater in so the birds can have their water.

The other 2 pictures are of my house in the spring, summer. The front pot with flowers in and the back deck that is decorated and waiting for our Granddaughters wedding. Abby got married in our back yard. It was a beautiful wedding and I will cherish that day forever. It was so much fun getting ready for her wedding.

Ok now the freshly beautiful snow, so pure and so fresh...just as pretty as the flowers of spring. Each picture has a beauty all it's own.

The pure fallen snow can remind us of a young beautiful bride, all dressed in white, pure awaiting her soon to be husband..beautiful...that is what God intented.

The beautiful spring blooming, like life, beginning with wonderful expectations, new home, getting to know one another, then children all fresh and new experience's. How exciting....

As life goes on, things happen, some not so great...our dreams and hopes can shatter, kinda like the snow when we start to trample in it, drive in it, it gets dirty, not so pretty anymore and we just want it to go can get that way, sickness may set in, families may not get along, abuse, death...sometimes we just want it to go away....

Flowers fade, they die, they welt, they disappear, at the end of summer they just don't look so pretty anymore,and we await to pull them out and clean out our flower pots...

Again, in life we get older we fade, people don't listen to us as they once did...sometimes we can just disappear...not so pretty again we await...

But then we know that Jesus came, and He came to clean us up, our dirty hearts, our dirty spirits, He comes in like the freshly fallen snow and washes our hearts that pure and a bride awaiting her husband, to care, love her, to stand by her,to help her.. For that is what we are as Believers in Christ we are His Bride. That is what Christ wants to do for care for us, to love us, protect us....Come to me all you that are heavy laden and I will give you rest...That is what HE says....

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