Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happenings in our Family

On Oct 26th our little Annie Bannie got engaged. It was so exciting and we are so happy for her. If everything goes as planned Annie and Cody will be tieing the knot this time next year.
Another change coming for our family. And as I have blogged about before nothing stays the same. Sometimes it feels like the older you get is kinda like a pushup icecream treat that Schwans has. You just keep licking off the icecream and pretty soon the icecream has all been pushed up to the top and it is gone. That is how sometimes I feel when all the changes take place.....I am so happy for everyone, but as I look back the changes that are taking place for me now are taking place in others lives. Time just goes on and on but different now that it is other instead of me. I won't have the babies or be the Mother of the Bride but my role now is Grandmother, Greatgrandmother.....looking on and so thankful that my family lets me be involved and wants me involved...so very thankful for that....my cup runneth over...Thank you God! Congratulations to Annie and Cody...we love you !!! And are looking forward to the fun time of getting ready for the wedding...

Last Friday I had gallbladder surgery. So this week I am recouping...it has been kinda nice to lay low.  I have been reading, working on memorizing scripture. This is a new adventure for me. It is taxing my brain and is a lot of hard work. But it is worth it and I am thankful for how it is renewing my mind. It takes my focus off of unimportant things to eternal. I am doing a bible study with some women in our church and we are doing Changed into His Image by Jim Berg. Very, Very good study. Each week we have a different verse to memorize.

It has been different and given me a glimise into what retirement with Everett might be. I know that it will be an adjustment and I am not ready to retire yet and have no plans to but it maybe would be nice. But getting back to now I am not one just to sit and do nothing. So it has been nice. Been feeling really good and each day is better.

Thank you everyone for all your help and food!!!!

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