Sunday, November 6, 2011

24 hours

I have a thing for clocks. Big clocks. I love them. I would have one in every room, and I almost do. I should not be late for nothing as many clocks that I have in my house. From my stove to my microwave to my cd player I have 4 in my kitchen.

In my all my bathrooms I have a clock my bedroom alone has no matter where I go in my house I should know what time it it.

Now, we all have the same 24 hours in our day. What we do with that time we will one day all be accountable for it. Whether we waste it away, choose to worry it away, choose to sleep it away, read it away or simply do not much of anything or work it away ( which that can't be helped we need to earn a living.) What I am saying how we choose to use our time is very important and probably more important then we think. Our effort and energy can go on a lot of wrong and useless things. Things that in the end will not count. Just yesterday we had a chance to go back in time and relive one hour. I think I slept through it. But how often do we say if I could just go back....but would we really do things so different. I hope that I would. But then maybe what I did back then has molded me to what I have become today.  God has a way of using our past if we let Him to mold us and make us into the person that He wants us to be. If we let Him and that is my desire.

One thing is for sure we all have 24 hours in our day and we all can waste it or make the most of it. None of us are getting younger and each day everyone on this earth is older then they were the day before. I want to make the most of my time and I fail....but I want to grab on to the things that matter and let go of the things that don't and that should free me up to do more of the things that do count....for eternity....

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