Tuesday, March 8, 2011

You Just Never Know

You just never know when you wake up in the morning what kind of day it will be. What will happen. Everett used to carry a card in his Bible that said " YOU may tie your shoes in the morning but by night the undertaker may untie them". How many times when we wake up do we think of something going wrong, or out of our plans. But how many times does it actually happen...I would say that if we kept track a lot...most of the time out of our control and sometimes it can be in our control.....

Yesterday at about 11:10 I had taken a bathroom break at work when one of the girls hammered on the door and said Everett is oln the phone and needs to talk to you right away, and I knew if he needed to talk to me right away something was not alright.She handed me the phone and said " It is Jack"...my heart started beating harder as I took the phone and Everett said that Jack had almost had the end of his finger cut off and it was just hanging there by threads...now what went through my mind was that maybe he had gotten a hold of the sissors or maybe a knife...but at any rate we didn't know how just knew they were in route to the ER and needed us to be there to help....as the story unfolded he had gotten his finger in the side of the door where the hinges are and his little sister being on the other side didn't know he was there with his little finger in the door and slammed the door shut and that was that......the poor little guy wound up going to Hutchinson hospital into surgery to have his tip of his right ring finger sewn back on...so far all is well...quite an ordeal for the little guy.....but he has been a trooper and it could have been a lot worse....for sure....

His injury yesterday led Everett to his note for the day for me...and now you , who read this blog....

" Don't shut the door on Jesus...if you do then you will let Him slip right through the tips of your fingers...."

Thought that was worth sharing....

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