Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What I Believe

So many times I believe that we beat around the bush so to speak not to step on anyones toes....
I believe that we go around most of the time without a clue who we really are....
Personally....either wanting to impress others..and not even knowing what we are doing and why...

Why do we believe what we believe??? Is it because we were taught??? Is it because we ourselves took the time to find out the truth and go from there to form our belief system...Just asking....

This question really has been on my mind lately..I don't know if it is because of my age...knowing that I have way more years behind me then in front of I know that no one knows when they are going to die...but chances on if you are younger 60 you have more years then someone older then that...don't know for sure but......I know I am getting on to my golden years....and for the most part I love where I am at right is is good....

Now, I want to be real....I want to be all that God intended for me to be here on earth...I wish I would have wanted this years ago but.....again I cannot go back...and God says in His word that if you put your hand to the plow and look back you are not fit for the Kingdom of God....Lule I am going forward...taking each day at a time...but that is hard...Satan wants to come and haunt me at time with my past...but I tell him....that is behind me and God has forgiven me as far as the east is from the west....Psalms 103:12....I will remember your sins no more.....Hebrews 8:12....Jeremiah 31:34....Isaiah 43:25....God's promises...we always  think that we need to do is was finished at the cross....Jesus says in John 19:30 IT IS FINISHED.....He paid it all ...I can do nothing...I can't comb my hair a membership....dress....just obey...the One who died for my life to Him....and be everything that He has created me to be....that is what I want....

To let go and Let Him......He has given me so much....blessings beyond measure....I am so thankful...
I want to give back....all of me....for His glory.....This is my desire....

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