Monday, September 19, 2011

Here and now....Happy 1st Birthday dear Lucy Irene

My, My how sweet she is....

Never in a millon years did I ever think that all my children would actually grow up, leave home and have families of their own...days of bottles, diapers...(and I washed pampers for me...) crying, sickness, cuts and bruices....slobery kisses...etc would ever end..just thought that they would always be here...

Wrong....Everett and I have now been empty nesters....let's see.....about 17yrs give or

The day Abby Jo was born....what a day....waiting...wondering will it be a boy or girl...what would he, she look like....I had an awful headache after she was much excitment....oh what a feeling...first grandchild.....( they all have been very special...)

Now that first Grandchild....has a daughter of her first Great Grandbaby...oh how precious she is...just like her mama......and tomorrow this little angel turns one.....I wish I could hold her, kiss her.....wrap my fingers into her little chubby ones....and sing...Baby Bye there's  a fly...let us catch him you and I...there he goes on his toes...tickling baby's nose...I believe with those 6 legs you and I could crawl on bye there's a fly let us catch him you and I....

Love you Lucy Irene....have a great 1st Birthday....from .....your Papaw...and Gigi....


Stephanie said...

so sweet! I want to hold her, too! I'll leave the singing to GiGi.

BJR said...

Oh...I can still hear Grandma a'singing that song! "Baby-bye,there's a fly, let us catch him, you and I..." (I'm catching up on your blog. Just got home Sat eve.after 3 months away!) BJR