Thursday, April 2, 2009

Who's in Charge??

Things have been happening pretty fast lately it seems.
These days just keep going by at a rather fast pace for me.
Days turn into weeks, weeks into years and years keep mounting up.
Don't get me wrong that's perfectly fine, I would at this point rather
get older than the alternative, and really like this season that I am in except for a few of the aches and pains doable put none the less are there. I am not complaining really just commenting.
Everett and I have been in the presence for quite a while on a regular basis with the really older generation as you that read this blog know.
I have learned a lot from them, more then I think I even realize. Two of them now are about ready to be received into the arms of Jesus. Until last night I have never really told anyone good-bye here as I did him...I have been with my dad and
Everett's mom near the end but neither one of them were aware and able to speak. So last night I experienced something totally different. Even though none of us know the exact hour I do believe as others that these 2 are very close to the end of this life....what a blessing to know to really know where you are going to spend eternity.
Last night when we were with Uncle Melvin his daughter said " Dad what are you thinking"? He replied "I wonder what it will be like over there"? We know for sure that with Jesus it will be beautiful beyond our comprehension!

Everett's note today
Read Label and Follow Directions to:

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