Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WHAT is wrong with me?

This is a question I have been asking myself again lately, and today for sure..ever since I have booked our hotel for Chicago I have changed it 3 times to be exact..I can not make up my mind. I have talked to Abby and she has laughed at me..and I told her I am getting to be like my mother...she had to practically go in the room and lay on the bed before she would ok a stay there...I used to think what is the big I am the same way..I started reading reviews, that was my first mistake..because usually those who write those complain about everything anyway..

So this morning I had 3 different hotels booked so that I could use a few days to make up my how foolish is that???

I think that I have made up my mind now and did cancel one but I still have 2..just in case...I want to change I have till Tuesday to decide..I will read some more reviews and consider the driving distance...and really we aren't even going to be there that much..just to sleep..but still I want a nice quiet, clean smelling room that hasn't had pets or whatever in it..I know it won't be home, and really why am I so picky??? It'll be alright..I know for sure...once I have made my decision...I will go on and not change it...:) maybe???

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Grandma Ratzlaff for sure!