Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Slimmer and Slimmer

No not me, as much as I wish it were, but what I am talking about is at work..
I am down to 3 employees and 2 part timers...just not to long ago there were 11 of us here full time...Production cut in half...hours staying the same..
God has been so good to me..I haven't had to lay off and day after day He just takes care of every little say that as a believer we may want to think some of our problems seem mighty little next to everything going on in the world.. and they are, but His word says he cares even for the fallen sparrow and how much more are Him..
Kali one of my girls is leaving for Jamaica next week to get married she will be gone a week and a couple of days...we all have our certain jobs that we do and one of the girls just makes specials which are just the extras that they put on a mower like a hydraulic deck lift, snow blower or whatever. We usually send 75 to 100 out a week, I got a call yesterday from the main plant saying that 2 of these they had a overstock out there that somehow was overlooked????? So probably enough to last them a month or so....I see this as God taking care of me again...short handed for awhile frees up another here to step in and do something else...problem solved...not by me but one mightier than me...again Thank You Lord...

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