Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Goings' On

Haven't blogged for awhile, seems like a lot is going on, but then on the other hand seems like maybe I have just been not having a lot to blog about that would be of interest to any of you.
I'm not sure that I want to think of my life as not being of meaning or interest and really don't think that it has been but maybe God is using this time in a way that I don't see yet. Which I am sure that is what He does all the time. I have always felt like when we are doing for the Lord we really don't know it all the time. That we need to do what we feel called to do right away and not sit and ponder on it waiting for it to be the right time for us. His timing is always the right time..

Things are still slow at work...but we are holding our own..and this down time has been good, I think it has made all of us stop and be more thankful for our jobs and not take everything for granted. It is good to have to depend on others more..reach out and help when we see a need, share what God has provided for us...

Everett's note today was:
It's not what we have that matters
It's what we give away....
God wants us to be cheerful givers, helping those in need...praying and being discerning...we are so blessed..

Our plans are all made for Chicago..I am so excited to see Abby's little apartment and spend time with her and Jeff and Stella. My very first granddaughter graduating from College...can't believe it...a Bible college at that, how awesome..we are so proud of you Abby Jo!

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