Saturday, April 25, 2009

Decisions and Choices

Do you ever count in a day how many decisions and choices that we have to make?
I just started to think about that this morning. Each day we get up that is the first choice we get out of bed..then what to wear..what to have for breakfast...what to make for lunch...should we go for a walk..or read a a friend...sit at the computer for awhile...did we do our devotions first thing or put them off to do something else...clean out the fridge that we have been putting off..
At work, there is a list of things that need to be done..which do I do first, I have to make a choice which is more important..I use to have a guy working for me that would start one thing before it got even half finished he was off to doing the next and day after day he did always made him look very busy but nothing ever got completed...I walk by some houses, people start working on their lawns and flowers, gun excited to get things looking good, but some half way through just seem to quit...then by the end of summer, weeds have taken over, flowers need to be watered and everything just looks very unkept...we get tired of doing and keeping things up and make our choice to give up, because it overwhelms us or other things catch our interest..

Is that what it is like with our Christian walk with God too, we start out on fire..that's all we want to talk about, share with others, so much joy fills our hearts..can't wait to go to church to hear about Jesus, sing about Jesus...then what happens..somehow we can lose interest..lose our joy, and the cares of this world take over again...but we MUST seek Him and stay close to Him so the weeds of this world do not over take us and we become again the faded dead flowers that we once were..we must bloom be bright and others may see the beauty of being a child of the let's keep watered and weeded and pruned by being in His word daily and in pray...

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