Thursday, October 8, 2009

Revival Meetings

The Webster dictionary that I have defines a revival
1. return to life, use etc.
2. emotional religious meeting

A few months ago Everett and I started attending this little independent Baptist church. We love is so different from what we had come out of...maybe because he and I were brought up more conservative and really like singing from the hymnal and having the organ music along with the piano and not having a praise band and singing from a screen, or maybe it's the quiet format...whatever it may be right now it is home for worship for us...

We just came off of a 4 nights of revival type meetings..they were so good and really brought a lot of things out in my life that left me feeling very spiritually fed...the word of God...we don't really need much more than that except the fellowship with His people in worship and for blessed I feel to have been a part of that...several people came forward on an alter call...Heaven seems so near...and that is what this life is all about...preparing for our eternal home..we each have one or the other...there is either hell or heaven 2 choices...and 2 choices only and there is only one way and that way is Jesus...John 14:6 " Jesus says: "I am the way the truth and the life NO ONE comes to the Father except through me" If Jesus said it (and He did) then I believe it!!

1 comment:

Sheri Graham said...

Yes Evy...I'm glad you enjoyed the meetings at church. You are so right...Jesus is all we need. I have been very convicted lately about running to other things to "rest" and find "refreshment" instead of going to His Word and prayer. He tells us "come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." If I really believe that, then why don't I run to Him for my rest? Anyway...some of the things God is teaching me! Have a great day! Can't wait to get together soon!

Love, Sheri