Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Tuesday used to seem like such a strange day...stuck in there between the first day of the week and the middle of the week..now that I only work 4 days a week means that when I come home at 3:30 my week is now half over..(at work at least) and this makes for very fast weeks...the count down comes, come Tuesday...I always seem to get busier because there is always so much to get done before quitting time on Thursday..today when I got my schedule for the 1st of Nov...we have gone up in production...yea...maybe now that just means I will get busier..but that's ok...just have to really keep on a schedule..but I have great help so it should all work out..

Now going back to Tuesday...it is a very wonderful day..my first child was born on a Tuesday...what does the saying go..Tuesday's child is full of grace...so that was a blessed Tuesday...

On another Tuesday I was in a really bad car wreck...almost got killed, but God wasn't done with me here on earth yet so thankfully I am still here..that was not so good of a Tuesday....

WE always have band practice on Tuesday..why I really don't know just worked out for everyone I guess..but that means most of my Tuesday evenings are full...when we start playing I love it...the guys in the band are so much fun and easy to visit with we have a lot of laughs on Tuesday evenings...good Tuesdays doing that...

Everett has been helping with M.O.P.S since the twins were born..last year he worked in the nursery..this year he takes care of the twins while Sarah and Henry go to M.O.P.S (not many papaws could handle that) and that is every other Tuesday Mornings in the winter...and that was today...

There's a restrauant named Ruby Tuesday....there is a store called Tuesday Morning...
and I am sure there is more about Tuesday that I could blog about but I think that I am now finished...except for one more thought...

The old needle point tea towels...with the days of the week on Tuesday was always ironing day...my mother always ironed on Tuesday we didn't need a calender at our house...my mom washed on Monday, ironed on Tuesday, baked on Wednesday...Thurday bought groceries, Friday cleaned...Saturday prepared for Sunday...made a roast, baked some pies always made a salad of some sort...prepared for the day of the Lord..got all the clothes ironed and hung so she didn't have to do that on Sunday..
Oh to go back one week...and watch her, smell the aroma in her home...eat one of those Sunday dinners...I miss my mom I loved my mom and she loved me...

I love Tuesdays because they were created by God for us.....Thank you...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

She loved me, too! And I remember very well her ironing. I did not know that was on Tuesday, though.