Sunday, October 4, 2009

Just for fun

There was this elderly couple (no not Everett and I) that were getting a little they went to the Dr and asked him would they could do to help them remember better.
So the Dr gave them several suggestions one of them being they should write everything one night they were sitting in the living room and the husband said that he was going into the kitchen for something to eat, so the wife asked him if he would bring her back some ice-cream. He said yes and then told him he better be writing it down and he said "don't worry I won't forget" but then she added to please put some chocolate on it and he said fine, and she again reminded him he better write it down, but again he said he wouldn't forget, and then she said please put some peanuts on top too, and write it down..and he said he was fine...he was gone in the kitchen ever so long...finally she started to get up to see what the problem was and he was coming into the living room and there he had some bacon and eggs...and she said " Honey where my toast?"

Even though we do not know
What the future has in store
There's one thing that is for sure,
If we put our trust in Christ alone..
Most assuredly Heaven is our home.
For we are saved by grace,
And not of our own
Jesus paid the price God's only Son!!

If you're saved by grace,
Show it on your face.

1 comment:

Sheri Graham said...

Hi Evy,

This was SO cute! Yes, we should show it on our face! His life and glory should be shining through us.

Have a wonderful week! Hope to see you soon!

Love ya,