Tuesday, October 27, 2009

House of Worship

Today I had lunch with a very dear friend...from the church that we just left...it was such a special time..sitting talking about the things that bonded us together, about happenings...and about parting, not in friendship, but in what brought us together in the first place...the House of Worship...that particular church..

In my life time I have attended only 4 different churches..counting the one I have now been attending for the last 3 mos. It is very hard to change churches..some say it is like a divorce...you build friendships, you get plugged in to the activities to the order of worship etc...then boom...something happens and things change...not always for the worse sometimes for the better, but this time it just happened to be major enough for us to find a different place to worship and try to use our time and talent that the Lord has given us...at a different church...after much prayer and searching God's word..we felt it was time to move on...it has been bitter sweet..we love the new place we are going...the people are friendly...the hymns are beautiful the preaching is awesome..so for now there we are content...I realize there are those that never change churches...never...no matter what....that's ok...it is a very hard thing to do....

Now having said this...I miss my friends from the other church....but the ones that I have truly developed a strong friendship with, we will still keep in touch..we are after all sisters in Christ...We all need to follow God's lead...go where He wants us..and that might not always be where we want to be...but He will work it out...

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