Saturday, October 17, 2009


I love my family. God has blessed Everett and I so with ALL our kiddos...
Sam had a soccer game this morning so we told Chad and Sarah we would come in watch the twins so that they wouldn't have to take them out in the then after the game Sam has been wanting to go to the pumpkin patch so we told them to go then shortly after they left Sarah called to see if I would put a ham in the oven and cook some sweet potatoes for supper and I said sure...they got back home we carved the pumpkins and we were going to go home and Sarah wanted us to stay for supper. She was going to go to the store to get marshmallows for the sweet potatoes and Steph was walking over...asked what we were doing and Sarah told her so she said if you have marshmallows you can come over and eat with us..then Tal called and I told Sarah to have him get some buns and come over for we wound up having almost a Thanksgiving dinner minus the mac and was so good...Ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, apples and bananas in cool whip , mashed tators and gravy..and dinner rolls..yummy...the little ones did a spook maze in the basement we all had to go down one by one with a flash light in the dark to find them...they had so much fun....sat and talked...wonderful day with wonderful people...
Thank you God again for your many, many blessings...I truly am blessed!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Speaking from experience at the cold, cold soccer field, you were a true blessing to them that day! What a great way to spend your Saturday!