Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have some news

I have 4 full time girls working for me and 2 part of my full time girls is going to have a baby within the next couple of weeks. Now she hasn't been feeling really very good so her time at work has been hit and miss, depending on how she has been is a good thing that we are slow..our work due to the economy has been cut in half. God has been good because I haven't had to lay anyone off because in the last 6 months I have had 3 quit..and now the one that is going to have the baby isn't coming back because this is her 3rd...but today as I was working with another young lady we were talking and she said. "Evy I have some news, I am pregnant." I really wasn't surprised because I had read on her facebook that she had a secret...and somehow that was the conclusion that I had drawn that was her secret..I had just put it out of my head, because I didn't really need another one being pregnant...again...but it too, shall all be ok...somehow God always takes care of my needs....and what I maybe don't it will all work out...

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