Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Almost a clean bill of health

Everett had his yearly check-up in Wichita today...Good news the heart valve and heart is doing great, the blood pressure not so good...but he got some new medication for that so hopefully that will help..we had a beautiful morning together (I went with him) we walked to Panara Bread for coffee and a bagel afterwards and leisurely headed home..I am so glad when this check-up is over and all is good. 19 years for the heart valve..God has truly blest us..Thank you God!!!

1 comment:

acie workman said...

I was checking who liked Christyan Bluegrass and came across your Blog I also had Heart problems and had open heart surgery in May 08. I have a blog that has Christian poems on it. I also have a web page that has all kinds (no dirty ones). My blog is and my web page is
I used a cap A and I know I should haven't. May the Lord bless you and yours.