Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Life Changes

As we grow older along with body changes other changes take place too...for me those changes can be hard....or easy..depending on what they are...Everett's retirement was an easy one for me...once I realized we really could live on my income..and really didn't have to change a whole lot that was ok..
The Bible has a lot to say about money..the love of money is the root of all evil.
Not money itself but the love of money..and He does promise to take care of all our needs..I rest in that...

It almost bothers me more when someone I know retires or after living somewhere for all long time all of a sudden moves...far away from family..that happened to my sister just recently..moved to a retirement home far away from family..made me sad for her, I think it bothered me more then it did her..

Just today another one of my friends husband announced his retirement...seems strange, that I am in that generation..where it could be me soon..

Years ago we felt we needed to change churches, that was really hard..but really we need to go where the Lord wants us..maybe not to our liking at first, but if it is of Him He will provide us with the peace and the ability to adjust...

Life is good right now...can't get to settled in though because there is always another change awaiting us just around the corner....

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