Saturday, July 18, 2009


Ephesians 5:8 says: For you were once in the darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. The Bible talks about Hell and how there will be no light and it will be dark as night...

Tueday night we had a storm...straight winds blew 20 utility poles down and our lights went out about 7:45 pm and did not come back on until about 28 hours later. The whole town was out, so let me tell you when night came it was dark...unless you lit a candle or a lantern..we could see nothing in the darkness...I had to think about living that way for eternity..and it puts the fear of the Lord in you..if you really think about darkness forever and ever...but oh how happy we were when our lights came back made such a difference in our home in our life..we could see..where we were going, what we were doing, it was cool again..we loved it and it made us appreciate all the comforts that we have here on earth that we can forget about...that we take for granted...
So is our life w/o Christ...we live in the darkness and when we accept Him as our Savior and Lord and receive His free gift of salvation..the lights come on...His word says "He Is The Light of The Him there is no darkenss"....So let us as believers let our light shine in this darkened world that seems to be getting darker every maybe someone else in the dark may have light.

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