Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Sometimes life seems to be just a little bit crazy..I know it really is not, just seems to be at times...we need to sit back and reflect once in awhile what really is important and what is not and don't fret over any of it...life taken one day at a time seems the best to me..but how do we get there...
Saturday I was really tired..we had to work Friday because of missing Wednesday because of the electricity being off and that put me back a day and I think it still has only in reality it hasn't...Saturday for 3 hrs my hubby and I sat on the front porch and drank ice tea...the best time...talked, quiet for awhile, talked again..loved it...should do that more often. Then later on in the evening we went in the back yard started a fire and did smores...ever so good...

Then came back to real life..decisions to be made...in 2 days I am getting ready at work for shut down for 2 weeks...crazy so many things to do...want everything done up that is possible to do up, don't want to leave anything hanging so to speak...

Then we have birthday parties for the grand kiddos..that's always fun, all of us getting together..the whole family..love it...

Wonder sometimes how many decisions we make in a day...sometimes they are made for us and we don't have to decide...I sometimes have trouble making decisions, getting better though the older I get..so there is hope..things that use to seem so important are not quite as important any more...Life is good..we need to embrace each and every day and make the most of it..it is going by WAY to fast...

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