Saturday, July 11, 2009

Continuing the Drama of Change

Another change in our life is about ready to happen..I know that it will all work out.

I have had off all week and it has been crazy..we once again helped one of Everett's cousin clean out the home of one of his 3 uncles that died within 45 days of each other. We spent 2 days there going through material things that he had accumulated in his 94 years of life..things that seemed so important to him I am sure..most of which went to Salvation Army or into a seemed so sad to me and really put things once again into perspective...the things of this world that we think are important..(material things) are is families, relationships, friendships and whether or not we have received Christ as our savior first and foremost...that is the most important...yet at humans we can get all caught up in things that have no value.
That is the human side of us all...accumulation....what can we possess, me right up there...but then I saw 94 years of stuff in 2 days time gone..things worked for, shopped for etc....but that is what we do seems to be the more we have the more successful we look to others and the more satisfied we try to become...when the peace in contentment of the heart comes from above and not of this earth.
This is the lesson from this week that I want to learn...
Had a great week off now back to work on Monday for 2 weeks then we have 2 more weeks off! it!

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