Thursday, March 5, 2009


T- time is such a mystery to me,

I- interesting to say the least...

M- My days so swiftly are passing me by

E- Even though, no matter how hard I try.....

I can't hang on...and just keeps going on and on....
I look in the mirror and wonder who is that....
When did it all happen and then I look back..
At all the years that have passed me by...
And all at once I just want to sit and cry..
I look at the ones that are younger than I..
I try to remember and my brain try to rack...
When were my children all home with me???
How did we do it, when there was 2 and three..
It seems it all was just a dream...
Hardly seems true at all...
Must remember:
Only one life and it will soon be past,
And only what's done for Christ will last!

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