Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Love your Enemy"

Everett and I were in conversation this morning about who is our enemy?
His note to me today was "Love your enemy". He told me to really think about the word enemy. The dictionary describes enemy as a person that wishes another harm.
So as Christians we should not be an enemy should we? But we are, to some aren't we.
Are we looked at by someone as their enemy? Shouldn't we forgive our enemies as Christ forgave us. Why is it written in Scripture if it isn't an issue. But it is an issue..we have lots of enemies...our nations has lots of enemies, people that are jealous of us or don't like us are our enemies...but we are to love them. It is a command by God to love those that wish us harm.
Sunday in our sermon the preacher said, are we commanded to love Sodom?? We are, we are called to forgive....to love and when someone takes our cloak we are to give him our tunic too...that is what Jesus says "LOVE" your enemies.

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