Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year

Well here we are into the 6Th day of the New Year, things that I wanted to do and things I wanted to change I am asking myself if I have. I think some of them yes..my main thing is to live by Philippians 4:8. If I think of things that are good, noble and right and clear my head of negative thoughts I am so much more at peace, and not so anxious about things. This is how I want to live my days, not complaining and whining because right now I have NOTHING to complain about, even though at times it wants to just come out, then I have to look around and there are so many that don't have what I have, and then I feel ashamed...today that is where it is at...

So coming back to work, even though I wanted to complain...I am so thankful that I have a good job that so far is not in jeopardy so I am thanking God and for whatever lies ahead for us in the year of 2009 I know that He will be there to see us through.
I am praying for those of you that have lost your jobs or are dealing with other issues now that seem huge....that we have the promise that we can lean on Jesus and He will see us through.....What Hope we have in HIM!!!

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