Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How High should we reach?

Sometimes I sit back and reflect, reflect on where I've been where I'm going and where am I at right now.
There was this story about the Train Station that I read a long time ago.
I really don't remember all of it, but do remember that we are all on a journey.
We all go along life and think that some day we are going to arrive and there we will be. Don't we all kinda look at life that way..always striving to reach, to come to the point...of what???? It is now...We talk about when we get our mortgage paid off, or some when we get our credit cards paid off, or when we get our car paid off, or when our kids are in school, or when they are out, or when we are retired..then..then what...I have now come to realize I have only so many more days here..only so many more days to make a difference..in someones life, or even in mine..I am not writing this to be morbid..it's a fact...when I was down last week, I didn't know what was going on or what might be wrong, but I do know one thing, I was in peace...peace in knowing that what ever happened God was in control..that is what I want to leave my family, my friends is that because of what Jesus did at Calvary, we should not have any fear..that is where I want to be...living life without fear, fear of tomorrow, fear of the past, fear of death, or even fear of life...that I can put all my trust in Him..the only one we should fear, if we don't know Him...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

What was it??

Early morning Friday about 2 am. I was awakened with severe burning around my heart.
It hurt really bad...just assuming that I had heart burn (which by the way I have never had before)I got up and took some tums. Did not help. It hurt so bad that I couldn't lay, sit or stand up and could not do anything to be comfortable.
So I got on the Internet and googled home remedies for heart burn..and there found that a heart attack can be mistaken for heart burn...and also read that apple cider vinegar is a home remedy for heart burn, so had some of that, took it and did feel a little better, enough that I finally went to sleep, this was about 4 am. but was awaken again about 5 or so with the same pain that I had earlier...so about 8 I called a friend of mine that has trouble with heart burn and she told me what she took and then Steph told me that someone she knew thought he had heart burn and was really having a heart attack..didn't think that I could be walking around with a heart attack but decided to call the Dr anyway and explain what was happening..so to make a long story short (which by the way I had a much needed hair appointment at the same time I needed to get in and see the Dr. but my dear hairdresser put me down for next week) I went to the Dr and she ordered a bunch of tests for me and stuck me in the hospital for observation for 24 hrs. In that 24 hour period, I had an EKG a X-ray, a Cat Scan and more blood drawn then if I would have been to the blood mobile.
Was put on a heart monitor and an IV and oxygen...and I came out with a clean bill of health...PRAISE THE LORD....the Dr did not know what was causing the severe pain, but maybe a really bad case of heart burn after all...but the ending to the 24 hour story, brought me much rest and I know that my heart is strong and nothing seems to be wrong. Again I need to thank the Lord for keeping in His care...We just never know do we what might happen. This could have been really bad...but wasn't.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

God IS Good

All of us that are Christians know just how good God is..but how many times do we really reflect on how good He really is...taking care of our every little, or big need that we have if we just put our trust in Him and just let it go...it has happened to me time and time again. I am trying at the end of the day, or during the day when I am in need of something and take it to Him in prayer and just wait and watch how He takes care of it I am in AWE!..I don't know why, His word says over and over "Ask and you shall receive"..He has many promises in His Word that He never breaks..because He can't because He is God...

I used to really fret over my job...you can ask anyone that knows me well or been in TLC group with me, when it came to prayer requests you knew what I was going to ask for ....prayer for my job...the girls...me..but a few months ago I gave the whole place to Him and walked away...let Him take care of it...and now looking back I see His hand in it all....each time I made a request to Him it wasn't long and He had taken care of it...this last one I wanted to question, but at last let it rest and the answer came to affirm His solution for this problem that I had...
He had once again taken care of me...Thank you, why would I even begin to doubt...

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I wanted to blog but really didn't have much to blog about so I am just going to share the events of my week. I have worked, went and had some test taken,(they all came back good) spent some time with a dear friend whom I have not talked to for awhile, went and visited Everett's uncle..had band practice, one of my long time employees last day was Thursday, shed a lot of tears that day and had a farewell party for her...watched the twins and Henry on Friday and helped Sarah fix food for 30 people for Henry's birthday party today. Walked with my daughter, and spent some time here at home hanging out with Everett...

One of my goals this year is to spend more quiet time alone in God's word, listen to the Spirit guidance and seek what God would have me do..to be in the center of His will. I do believe the time is drawing nigh even though I have never really been one in being to concerned about end times never really could understand why people were so fearful of that when we never know when we will take our last breath, none of us are promised tomorrow yet live like we have tons of time here on earth left...
Our life here is a vapor compared to eternity. I want the mediation of my heart and the words of my mouth to be pleasing in His sight.

There is so much going on in our world, with our new president taking office this week a lot of history is being made..
There are so many that have lost their jobs, and are really falling on hard times, we need to remember them in our prayers...and thank God every day that if we still have our jobs, it is putting a lot of stress on people, marriages etc.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blackkettle Gospel Bluegrass

Blackkettle bluegrass has been in existence a long time, Everett has played with Blackkettle bluegrass many, many years with many different guys. For the last 5 years since I became a part of them we really haven't changed except for our youngest dropping out because his family duties increased by 2 last summer. Chad played upright bass for us. We did a lot of playing out for awhile and really had a good time plus we were ministering through our music because we had turned from bluegrass music to Gospel bluegrass and I love gospel bluegrass it is my very favorite type of music. Now that Chad is no longer in it for now, (he will be again) our banjo players nephew joined us and it has been good too. When Chad does return Austin will still stay with us, He has brought a really good singing voice to the group.
My story is that these two gentlemen are so nice to be around. They are so basic, and when I say basic that is what I mean. They just don't need much in life (Uncle Loren has been a huge influence in Austin life) They work the ground in much the old way and there thinking is the same. I love it...this young man who is in is 2nd year of college doesn't even have a cell phone nor does he want one..when I asked him about it he said why??? They are concerned over the situation in the world as most of us are, but they won't have as much to lose as some of us if things really keep going down because they haven't gotten that caught up in all of the things...Loren is in the process of building his own log cabin way out in a pasture by a pond of water...he is cutting the logs down from tress and making them by hand..I really enjoy our band practices and they are so much fun to be around...
It reminds me of a much simpler life style much like when I was growing up..
How I miss those days sometimes...

Monday, January 12, 2009

There and Back


The week-end was wonderful, just really went by way to fast. Everyone had so much fun..and I am really thankful for my big wonderful family....the twins did great..it was so much fun to spend the whole week-end with everyone...can't wait till next year....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year

Well here we are into the 6Th day of the New Year, things that I wanted to do and things I wanted to change I am asking myself if I have. I think some of them yes..my main thing is to live by Philippians 4:8. If I think of things that are good, noble and right and clear my head of negative thoughts I am so much more at peace, and not so anxious about things. This is how I want to live my days, not complaining and whining because right now I have NOTHING to complain about, even though at times it wants to just come out, then I have to look around and there are so many that don't have what I have, and then I feel ashamed...today that is where it is at...

So coming back to work, even though I wanted to complain...I am so thankful that I have a good job that so far is not in jeopardy so I am thanking God and for whatever lies ahead for us in the year of 2009 I know that He will be there to see us through.
I am praying for those of you that have lost your jobs or are dealing with other issues now that seem huge....that we have the promise that we can lean on Jesus and He will see us through.....What Hope we have in HIM!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Things I have learned

Here are some things that I have thought about, worried about and in the course of time I have learned!

I have worked at my job 31 years...when one of the ladies that I worked with had a stroke I thought no way can I ever work here w/o her. That was 20 some years ago now and the place nor I have shut down yet...then there was a dear friend that I had made there and we worked together for 28 years and when she retired I thought everything was going to fall apart, she has now been gone over 4 years and we are still going...now just before Christmas another girl that has been there 13 or so years and is the one that is in charge when I am gone is quitting the 15Th. When she told me she was quitting I tried my best to talk her into staying because my thoughts were I will never get along w/o her...but I will...and one day when I have to go from there too, Rama will still exist...I don't think it will close because I am not there anymore...just like it didn't when the others quit....or retired..my point that I have learned is we are all replaceable, always have been and always will be and that with each replacement we might loose something or might gain something and once again I come to my point so often is that no matter what nothing stays the same...except the one that died on the cross for me and His name is Jesus and He is the same yesterday, today and forever...

Friday, January 2, 2009

For the life of me

I can not change the back ground on my blog...I have followed the instrustions to the T and I can not do it...maybe I shouldn't have this blog after all...it frustrates me to no end...so I am through messing with it...will I always have to have Steph do it for me...I need help....