Thursday, October 23, 2008

"When you find time on your hands, put them together and pray."

Today was my Friday, I work 4 nine hour days a week. I love it..since my Hubby retired in March it is so nice to have a 3 day week-end..just perfect. So I always look forward to Thursday.

It has been a good day, even though I had to go to the dentist at 7am and get a tooth still has been a good day...
A little bit more about myself. I manage a small business here in the middle of the USA. I have 7 girls working for me..and at times it can get very interesting. Maybe I will share sometime about some happenings that go on. There are days when I wonder why?? But then I look up and know that there are better times coming..and honestly it has gotten so much better that I am so thankful that I have a decent job now that every is going down hill and so while things are still good here I am not going to complain and be very thankful.

"Doing what's right today means no regrets tomorrow"

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