Thursday, October 30, 2008

"My Friday"

Today was my Friday at work, since I don't work Friday's.
This whole week has been different, we have been running here and there.
It started on Sunday. Church, in the afternoon birthday party for our grandson that turned 5 on the 29Th. Monday I had an appointment right after work didn't get home until after 7. Tuesday hubby went to M.O.P.S In his retirement he helps tend the little ones while the Mommy's have some grown-up time. He is such a natural with little children, they just love him.
After work on Tuesday I met with a friend for about an hour. We had a very nice hour.
Wednesday evening was grandparents night at 4 of our grand children's Awana's at their church so we went there.
My hubby took his Uncle that is in the care home here riding in the country for 3hrs.
Today, the same 4 grandchildren from last nights visits has grandparents day in their school, and the oldest one had D.A.R.E graduation. So we went there and visited their school, and sat with them at lunch. Hubby had a dentist this morning to get fitted for a crown then he went and stayed with the twins and the 2 yr old while mommy went to help with the kindergartners party at school.
After work tonight went for a walk and then on the spur of the moment we decided to go to a jam session that is held in a church down the road 12 miles. It was a fun time lots of picking and grinning and good food. I need to stay away from the wants to stick to me...BAD DEAL
And I wonder why I'm tired, also in there I have worked 4-9 hr days.
But I am so thankful that I can do all of this.My life is full of love and joy that my family and friends bring to me.
Hubby's note for today:

It seems the word Wyoming would start with a Y
It seems we would start our day with Jesus
But many start the day off with criticism

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"The Life of Riley"

There was this TV show back in the early 60's called the "Life of Riley".
It was about a guy (named Riley) that had it made...he went to work came home and was waited on hand and foot. If I remember right, the saying use to go when someone had it made we would say "You have the life of Riley". I don't know if anyone reading this blog would remember that or not. But now that is what I tell my hubby, because as of March of this year he has retired. I on the other hand still have a few years to go and he always tells me you really think I have it made? I always say "yes' I really think so.He in return has made my life so much easier, so now I also have the "Life of Riley" because he has everything done for me when I get home from work and has freed up so much of my time to do other things (like having this blog) now if I had to come home and clean and do laundry and other things I couldn't do this. So this has been great for me too. This is such a great season in our lives. We enjoy doing so many things we couldn't do before. God has truly been good to us. I give God all the praise and thanks for bringing us to this point in life.

My devotions yesterday had this in it that I wanted to share, (Stand up in the place where the dear Lord has put you, and there do your best.)
I remember when times were not the Life of Riley and it was tough but we stuck out and truly believe we have been blessed because of it.
There are many different seasons in life, those that are just starting out and trying to figure out where they need to be, it is tough we just need to remember to pray and ask God for guidance and wisdom and peace in our decisions. There are those that are raising little ones the days can be very trying, and one may wonder will this pass, will I ever get beyond the crying, the diapers the terrible 2's or 3's etc. Then there is a season of being in between. The children are mostly grown then the parents start to fail and need us and yet our children do too. Life, that is what it is..but we can make it, if we cling to the cross..and lean on the best leaning post there is Our Savior. I have been through all of these seasons and haven't always made the best decisions nor handle things always the right way, but I hung in there and now I have the "Life of Riley". For today, and this is where I am, here and now and God is good today, tomorrow and forever.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I have been reminded again today that nothing stays the same. Things change from day to day.
More than most of us probable realize. The secret is we need to accept and know that tomorrow no matter how hard we try tomorrow will not ever be the same as today. Even though most of the time it may seem like it but it is always different.
I remember when I thought that I could never live w/o my parents. Especially my mom. I talked to her every day of my life until she died, practically. She died in 1996 and I still miss her. But life goes on.
I would love to sit down at her table in her dining room and eat one more meal. That is sometimes how I view Heaven. An eternity, of endless time, and if I want to sit down with my Mom I will, and have her cook up one of her heavenly meals....What a day that will be.....

This week-end my husband and I decided that we were going to help serve Thanksgiving Day dinner to those who maybe don't have family around, or don't have enough food for a big dinner, turkey and all the trimmings, in the town where we go to church. Our church started being involved in the dinner. Last year they served 700 people, this year going to cook enough food for 1000. It is open to anyone that wants to come. Well hubby and I decided we wanted to we are moving our Thanksgiving dinner to the Sunday before. Just this year...Last year come to think about it others were gone and I didn't have a dinner here we went to my sisters. So already that was the first TG dinner I didn't cook in years...Yes things do change, sometimes for the better, and sometimes not, it is just however we look at them and accept them.
What we really need to do this time of year and everyday is to thank God for each and every day and what he has given us rather good, or not so good and be content with what we have and enjoy each day and make the very best of it. Because as families grow and they move on and the next generation takes over it all changes. But most of us always try to hang on the the past one way or another rather keeping tradtions or adding new ones, but never is quite the same....

Friday, October 24, 2008

Things I don't really like

These are some things that I really don't like.

I do not like when little babies have to get their
One minute they are smiling (or sleeping) and the next
minute they are crying so hard they can't get their breath.
Makes me so sad....Our little twins had their shots this morning.

The alarm going off at 4:45 am in the morning and
...knowing that it's time to get up and I am still really tired.

Getting a stomach ache and realizing I am getting the flu.

Looking really forward to something and then just like that it is over with.

Stubbing my toe..that really hurts.

Time going by so fast....where does it go???

Missing someone....

"Give the devil an inch and he will soon be your ruler."

Thursday, October 23, 2008

"When you find time on your hands, put them together and pray."

Today was my Friday, I work 4 nine hour days a week. I love it..since my Hubby retired in March it is so nice to have a 3 day week-end..just perfect. So I always look forward to Thursday.

It has been a good day, even though I had to go to the dentist at 7am and get a tooth still has been a good day...
A little bit more about myself. I manage a small business here in the middle of the USA. I have 7 girls working for me..and at times it can get very interesting. Maybe I will share sometime about some happenings that go on. There are days when I wonder why?? But then I look up and know that there are better times coming..and honestly it has gotten so much better that I am so thankful that I have a decent job now that every is going down hill and so while things are still good here I am not going to complain and be very thankful.

"Doing what's right today means no regrets tomorrow"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Old Folks

We sing a song "Oh I wonder how the old folks are at home, I wonder if they'll miss me when I'm gone."I love visiting and listening to the old folks. My husband and I have been so fortunate to be able to visit weekly or every other week two of his older uncles. One lives in a senior home in the same town as we do and the other one lives 45 min. away. One will be 94 in Dec and still lives in his own home and has a girlfriend whom he has had for 4 or 5 yrs. A very sweet lady that turned 90 Oct the 8Th. They make such a cute little couple. We have gone out to eat with them and just go there sometimes to hang out and my husband now goes and does some work for him because recently he had taken a bad fall down his basement steps. But is getting along...his girlfriend has been there faithfully by his side taking very good care of all of this they shared in the time they have been together they have never had a disagreement...could it be that she doesn't hear very well...maybe not..tonight we spent the evening here with the 82 yr old. He shares stories about the "good ole days" when gas was 19 cents a gal. and wages were about 5000 a year, house payments about 35 dollars a month with insurance and taxes included. Didn't lock the front door when you went to bed...I remember that myself and I am not that old...Those days are bygone...we talked about the upcoming election..he has casted his vote already..It makes me sad to see where we have come..but happy that I can still sit down and visit and lighten someones day, to see the smile on his face when we walk in is hear the stories he tell, priceless we both gain, me more than him because it reminds me of what really is of value, somehow we have lost so much. We all can learn from these few that are left to tell their stories. Take time to visit someone that may be shut in and can't get out it is well worth the effort. Let us not forget what this nation was founded upon by our forefathers and what they fought so hard for us to have...Our nation was ONE NATION UNDER GOD...freedom they gave by sacrificing their lives so that we can live in the GREATEST nation of all.


1. Who are you voting for?

2.Or have you already voted?

I voted for my leader years ago.
The same two who were running
back then are running today.

Matthew 6:24

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Each and every morning my hubby leaves me a note of inspiration. He has done this for years. The note is either inspired by something he has overheard in conversation, or a sign he might have seen or something that I have said or something that the Lord has laid on his heart. I have decided to post these each day. Some may not make sense to you, some may bring a smile to your heart, some may be an inspiration, so I hope you will enjoy them. They all have something to do with walking with the Lord, life or me. He writes them on a big chalk board that hangs in my kitchen that he made for me.
My hubby is one of the most Godly men I know. He also has a very unique sense of humor.
Here is his note today..

Evy's Blog

B elivers
L ean
O n
G od

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Week-end

WHAT am I doing starting a blog at my age??? What ever possed me? Now to explain a little, (about the age thing) just this week-end we went to Branson by the way you will all find out that is our very favorite spot, and we had just gotten out of the show HEADIN WEST (which was fantastic) live production, and I had to go the the little girlies room really bad, which it just so happened that I was also talking on the phone, and lo and behold I walked right into the MEN'S restroom....I say to myself "What are all these men doing standing facing the wall in the woman's restroom????? Hubby is out there laughing and say...."EVY what are you doing"?? But to make things worse 3 other women followed me right in...about all at the same time we are going WOOPS..and make a mighty quick exit....Now then tonight, I am getting ready to go get some of my plants in and am heading for the back door which has a full glass storm door on, and I forget to open it and try to walk right through yes I am wandering about right now WHAT am I doing trying to blog??? This could be interesting....