Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Curves in Life

This summer Everett and I took a few little trips. One of them was a few days in Colorado. My favorite place, besides Branson. We rented a little cabin and spent our days driving in the mountains, renting bikes and found some little out of the ordinary coffee houses. I love that, and out of the ordinary cafes.

We had so much fun, walking, biking, shopping and just hanging out. We even visited this really old cemetery. People were buried according to what religion they were. I kid you not, the areas were labeled, Lutheran, Catholic, Jews etc and they had rod iron fences around them. Very unique head stones. It was in a ghost town. We drove on some very back roads to get there.

We also traveled on some very curvy mountain roads. Didn't even want to look down.
Tonight as I sit here blogging I think of the curves that life throws at us. When things come up that we would rather not have happen. Such as the flu, my daughter-in-law just had strep. Falls, it is so icy and snowy now a lot of people fall and break hips, legs etc. Just throws our life out of zinc for awhile. Some of the curves are alot sharper then others. Some curves we can take at a pretty good speed without slowing down so much but then others we have to almost come to a complete stop to make it around the bend so to speak. Maybe a death in the family, news of cancer, or loss of a job to some maybe a divorce, bad news of some sort always causes the heart to ache. I have a niece and nephew that seem to have a lot of these sharp curves in their lives, it makes me sad....Tomorrow I have a curve, it's not a sharp curve but none the less a curve.

1 Kings 12:24 " This thing is from me."

My Child, I have a message for you today; let me whisper it in your ear, that it may gild with glory any storm clouds which may arise, and smooth the rough places upon which you may have to tread. It is short, only five words, but let them sink into your inmost soul; use them as a pillow upon which to rest your weary head...This thing is from me. What comfort to know that God has already trod every place that I need to go, and now I will take His hand and let Him lead me, no matter where He takes me and I know that I will be super duper fine!!


Sheri Graham said...

Hi Evy, I will be praying for you today....love you!

BJR said...

Dear Evy...hope your life is going ok, even with the curve. Sometimes God uses curves to show us special love. (Yes...even in the face of pain, sickness, disappointments and death.) If we look His Way, with all our heart, we can see and feel His Love. Hope you are showered with His special love. Praying for you! As always, BJR