Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Above and Beyond our call of Duty

Can we go above and beyond our call of duty if we are a Christian. I would say not. I believe that if God lays something on our heart to do and we do not do it, it is sin. James 4:17 Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. That is what the Bible says. It doesn't say even if we think that person doesn't deserve it, or that person never does anything for me why should I help them or do something for them, the Bible calls us to serve.

Just as Jesus came to serve, how He washed His disciples dirty feet, we too, are called to do just that.

When God lays on our heart an act of kindness, a deed or maybe being a helping hand, phone call, card sent, a kind word and we ignore it, that is sin.

We must walk the extra mile, giving more then we receive...and God's blessings come forth.

The last couple of weeks I have had several that have walked that extra mile for me...went out of their way to serve, to be there and I am so thankful for them and want them to know how much I appreciate them. A meal was cooked by a busy mom....phone calls, to see how I was....prayers, many prayers, children's love and support and a hubby that stood by with kindness...girls at work that got everything done...took the responsibilty in my absence that I didn't have to worry about work. Even though what I had done was not major by a long shot, my friends and family were there and I pray that I would do the same.

Now having said that many, many times I have failed, and I have sinned by not doing what I ought to have done. Thoughts came in my head to do something and I didn't respond...who did I hurt....the one I could of helped...and me....but most of all God...His disappointment...in me to be obedient to him. MATT 25 Jesus talks about feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, giving drink to the thirsty, visiting those in prison and then replies when asked "I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

What did I do for Him today? Somtimes my heart is heavy, because my answer is "not nearly enough".

What did Christ do for me.... He loved me so much...He died....so that I can live...

1 comment:

BJR said...

Dear Evy...this smote my heart a bit. I try to obey the gentle voice, but I also fail. When we obey and do what we know to do...we "add wood to the fire in our heart" and we are blessed, and others are blessed, too. What a beautiful way to live. Thanks...BJR