Saturday, November 28, 2009

Where Oh Where

Where oh where does the time go?? This is a question I ask myself alot lately..and it scares me to be honest....sometimes it scares me alot...just in the last couple of weeks...we went to Branson seems we head out and before I can blink we are on our way back...just a few days ago I was looking forward to 5 days off and now I am down to 1 day and then back to work...

Sometimes I think that we wish life work we look forward to quitting time, then by Tuesday we start looking forward to the week-end now in Dec I will be looking forward to the Christmas shutdown..when oh when may I ask will I be happy in the right now and not looking forward but being content with it being now..why do I always look ahead...(better ahead then behind I think) won't be to long and my life as I know it won't be anymore..the older we get the more everyday things change, I know they can change when your young too, health, accidents etc..but we don't expect them as much then as we do when we get older..not that I am old yet, but getting closer each day...but now having said all that I do thank God for each and every day that He has given me and also the health that Everett and I have..I really don't mean to sound ungrateful because I am not...just thinking about how fast everything goes by....

Reminds me now of some sayings...

Only one life and it will soon be past..
Only what's done for Christ will last...

Today is the first day of the rest of your life...

Cherish each moment we never know when it will be our last...

This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it...

There is no time like the tell someone you love them...lend a helping hand...or to just sit at the feet of God and reflect on what He has done for you...

This Thanksgiving I am so filled...Thank you Jesus for what you have done for me!!

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