Thursday, November 19, 2009


Recently my oldest son called me one morning and asked me what was the most exciting moment of my the time I could not pin point one thing in particular aside from marring Everett and when each of the children were born and all of the grandchildren.

I think that when I was little it had to be Christmas eve...Christmas eve is the most wonderful time of the year...the anticipation all the beautiful gifts and wondering what in the world could be in them...that was more exciting then opening them up...when the children were little and they would be down at 4am and I was so excited to see their reaction to what we had bought them...sometimes great disappointment..not getting that special something that they had been hoping for...sometimes really, really excited because they did get just what they wanted...

A couple of years ago our oldest granddaughter got married in our back yard that was such an exciting time for me and such a honor just because she wanted to have her special day here at Grandma's house...and such an exciting time for her and Jeff..

Taking each of the grandkiddos to Branson now each year...each one getting their turn to go with us to our special place that we love to go and sharing that with parents just us doing what we want to much fun....

The twins being exciting...two little ones..what a blessing they are..(along with all the others grandchildren too...)

Now each year starting 3 yrs ago we take everyone to Great Wolf lodge in Kansas City for a week-end...right now this is one of the most exciting times for them...they start talking about this in the time much fun for them..

Now as I ponder all of this, the most exciting time in our lives should be when we accept Jesus as our personal savior..resting in His gift of salvation because He loved us so much that He bore all the sin of the whole world and took it all to the cross and shed His blood for us...and HE was buried..but didn't stay in the grave on the 3rd day He rose again and is sitting at the right hand of our Father...but we must be born again...confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that Jesus died and was buried and rose that IS something to get excited about!!!

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