Tuesday, December 8, 2009


How many times a day do we use this word and what does it mean?
We can hear something that is being said and we say "Oh yea I BELIEVE that"
Or we can be talking and someone can tell us something, what comes to my mind and when I hear of someone passing away and we say "Oh no I just can't BELIEVE that.
Or when someone is getting a divorce we might say "Do you BELIEVE that, they have been married for 25 years..
Or perhaps we might hear of someone on the news that maybe had 6 or 7 babies and we say "WOW can you BELIEVE 6 babies"
Or someone says " I have lost 30 lbs...but maybe we might look at her and think to ourselves "I don't BELIEVE 30 lbs maybe 20....
Or maybe just maybe something terrible has happened...like a terrorist attack or maybe a bad car wreck...so someone really sick or been diagnosed with cancer and we have a really hard time BELIEVING that...

Now then those of us that are born again believers that confess that Jesus is Lord and that He was born of a virgin (which we are now going to celebrate) and that He died for our sins and was buried but rose again on the 3rd day...and we say that we believe..how many really BELIEVE????

WE can believe..but the real test comes when we put all our trust in HIM...ALL our TRUST....not just for our eternal life but for our day to day life here and now..that we can count on Him to take care of ALL our needs ALL our concerns!

When friends and people let us down we know that if we BELIEVE with ALL our hearts, soul and might...that Jesus NEVER WILL let us down....

This season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, and that is what this time is all about...not about the presents that we give each other but it is about the present that God gave us in His Son...if only we BELIEVE!!

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever BELIEVES in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life...

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