Sunday, November 15, 2009


The question I have been asking myself lately is "What am I focused on?"

Am I focused on things of this position in life..what do I look like, my house, now that Christmas is coming up will I be consumed with all of that..
am I focused on caring if others like me, totally on my self and trying to satisfy what I want...

I could answer yes to all the above...but in my heart none of the above is what I want my focus to be on...

Apostle Paul said it best when he said in Romans 7:19 For the good I do is not the good I want to do, no the evil I do not want to do....But then in Philippians 4:13 Paul states I can do everything through Him who strengtens me..It has to be of God and listening to the Holy Spirit and being in God's word or we will not be able to overcome these fleshly desires that we all have...

Hebrews 12 is about running the race and not letting things of this world hinder us..we must not look to the stands to see who is watching nor should we look behind and let our past and our failures slow us down in this race that we are in but must keep our eyes on the finish line and there is our Savior Jesus Christ...we must walk(run)everyday of our life with our eyes toward is when my eyes come off of Him and I want to start letting things of this world take ahold, many things may not even be bad but they are hindering me from looking when my focus is on the wrong place...

I am thankful this Thanksgiving season that I live in a country where I can still express my love for the Lord and go to the House of Worship in freedom..but it is also something that we should never take for granted, one day it may not be possible to do this even here in the great USA...God please bless America once again!!

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