Monday, January 24, 2011


This black board was made by my hubby. It hangs on a wall in my kitchen. Every morning for the past 6 or so years I come downstairs from my bedroom and there is a note on it. All of these are made up from his mind only. Usually he will hear something or see something during the day that will bring a note to mind. This is my DAILY BREAD I cannot even begin to tell you what they mean to me and how throughout the years they have made me so thankful for what a man that God selected for me. I don't deserve him for sure. I have books of these notes and for my Grandchildren one day they too, will get a book with these words of their Papaw in them. The two oldest ones Abby and Annie already have theirs. I gave them to them when they went off to College. I want my grandchildren to know what a Godly man their Grandfather is. The daily notes alway have something to do with the Bible or something that pertains to how we should live our lives.I haven't always gotten this copied before Everett has prepared his board for the new note in the morning and that makes me sad, because this is something that some day I pray will make a difference in our future generations of the Boese's. They come from his heart...and I am so thankful and look so foward to each morning when I can read his words of wisdom for the day.

We can be driving down the road or sitting in church, or here at home and he will say " Oh I just thought of a note" And the next day on the board it will be.......

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