Friday, January 21, 2011

Furniture swapping and shopping

My daughter and I decided we were going to swap some pieces of furniture. So I gave her my antique cabinet to use  and she let me use a black dresser of hers. I love it!!

We also went antiquing this afternoon. I was on the hunt for an end table for my love seat in my office. Couldn't find what I wanted so Steph suggested that I use this iron flower stand that I had  and gotten last year at an old barn sale and I love it...I never would have thought of this but she had a great idea.

Also on my black dresser there is an old bird cage that I got today too. I had a bird nest and bird that I had bought in Greensburg this summer and it worked perfect in the cage and I added some christmas lights. I think it turned out really cute..

It was a fun day shopping and finding some fun things. Tiring when I got home and had to put everything back together but I am really happy for the way it all turned out. Thanks Steph for your great ideas!!!

( the art work above my dresser, the bird and guitar are art work from my granddaughter Annie who is majoring in Graphic Design at K-State...) I love them!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

love it. i also see dad's guitar still fits perfectly there. super duper fun day. thanks for the swap!!