Saturday, January 29, 2011


I have been working on bedding. I have looked at blogs, pottery barn, yesterday Steph and I went to Hutch and I looked at Dillards (big sale) for bedding and couldn't come up with anything. I wanted a cozy looking bed. Now the iron bed is very, very old. It was my Mother and Father's first bed they got when they got married. So seeing that they celebrated their 60th anniversary in the 80's and my Dad passed away in 1988 this bed is probably close to 90 years old. I have not done one thing to it. This is the bed we sleep in. I love it.

The 4 poster bed we bought at an antique store years ago. So I do not know the history of this bed. Today I changed the bedding. Steph had bought an old chenelle bedspread at a garage sale and I went on the hunt here in my house for some old pillow cases. So a new look for the spare bedroom. It is amazing the stuff I dig up when I go hunting. Everything I used I already had in my saved myself some money..

I have been having fun changing things around it's like getting a new house and not even having to move....

Have good night everyone!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


This black board was made by my hubby. It hangs on a wall in my kitchen. Every morning for the past 6 or so years I come downstairs from my bedroom and there is a note on it. All of these are made up from his mind only. Usually he will hear something or see something during the day that will bring a note to mind. This is my DAILY BREAD I cannot even begin to tell you what they mean to me and how throughout the years they have made me so thankful for what a man that God selected for me. I don't deserve him for sure. I have books of these notes and for my Grandchildren one day they too, will get a book with these words of their Papaw in them. The two oldest ones Abby and Annie already have theirs. I gave them to them when they went off to College. I want my grandchildren to know what a Godly man their Grandfather is. The daily notes alway have something to do with the Bible or something that pertains to how we should live our lives.I haven't always gotten this copied before Everett has prepared his board for the new note in the morning and that makes me sad, because this is something that some day I pray will make a difference in our future generations of the Boese's. They come from his heart...and I am so thankful and look so foward to each morning when I can read his words of wisdom for the day.

We can be driving down the road or sitting in church, or here at home and he will say " Oh I just thought of a note" And the next day on the board it will be.......

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Flea Market finds

Headed to Wichtia today after church to the flea market.
There were not a lot of booths today, maybe because of the cold day but I did find my 2 of the
cutest wicker stools.

The white one I put in my bathroom and the little blue one in my dining room.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Furniture swapping and shopping

My daughter and I decided we were going to swap some pieces of furniture. So I gave her my antique cabinet to use  and she let me use a black dresser of hers. I love it!!

We also went antiquing this afternoon. I was on the hunt for an end table for my love seat in my office. Couldn't find what I wanted so Steph suggested that I use this iron flower stand that I had  and gotten last year at an old barn sale and I love it...I never would have thought of this but she had a great idea.

Also on my black dresser there is an old bird cage that I got today too. I had a bird nest and bird that I had bought in Greensburg this summer and it worked perfect in the cage and I added some christmas lights. I think it turned out really cute..

It was a fun day shopping and finding some fun things. Tiring when I got home and had to put everything back together but I am really happy for the way it all turned out. Thanks Steph for your great ideas!!!

( the art work above my dresser, the bird and guitar are art work from my granddaughter Annie who is majoring in Graphic Design at K-State...) I love them!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things that remind me of my Mother

There are a some things that in an instant can remind me of my Mother.
Tonight I made some homemade beef noodle soup over cooked pototoes that I mashed with a fork.
My very first bite took me back to that little red table that use to sit in her kitchen. Such comfort food.

Her tea pot that sits on top of my stove. She used to put her tea bags in there for her ice tea that she made. So good. That pot sat in her kitchen and now it sits in mine.

Shower to shower talcum powder. I remember her coming out of the bathroom after taking her bath and she smelled like that powder. I smell it today and it instantly reminds me of her.

The old dining room table that she would open wide just about each and every week,she would have company and everyone would gather around. It didn't matter that her dining room was small and everyone had to squeeze together it just made it that much better. Passing the food from one end to the other. Many a meal has been eaten around this table and it now sits in my small dining room ( the scarf on the table was hers too) and we gather around it getting as many as we can and passing the food........

I think of my mom alot she has been gone since March of 1995....a long time....but it seems like yesterday...

Thank you God for the Mother you gave me..for the memories, for the sense of smell and the sense of taste.......I love you mom and miss you everyday! I would not have wanted anyother Mother....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When I cook...well....

No matter how hard I try I make the biggest mess in the kitchen preparing my food....but the end result...yummy...

Chicken Tortilla Soup on one of the coldest days that we have had here in Kansas in 6 years!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why me Lord

The last couple of weeks God has allowed me to spend a great deal of time with all my family.
The children and grandchildren and my 2 Great grandchildren are more of a blessing and joy to me then I could ever put in words what lies in my heart when I am with them and thinking about them now.

I want to thank God for what He has allowed me to love and what He has given me in my family.

The warmth, the laughter, the sense of humor, the love they have for each other and their love for God and respect they have for their father and me is incrediable. Each one of them is a bright and shining star in my life!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What am I thinking??

Ok I am the worlds very worst when it comes to this computer. I can not do anything...and I mean anything. I have been trying to put a different back ground on my blog and I can't. Other blogs I look at have cute pictures, cute back grounds and I can do nothing.

Tonight the Walker family was here, Abby got onto my facebbook page logged me out and then when I tried to get back in I could not...

Christmas my boys got on my computer and now I can not down load my pictures from my camara onto my computer...I hate it...I hate it I am so dumb....I can't stand it....I hate it....what is wrong with me???

Two of my boys are in the computer what is wrong with me????

HELP, before I lose my mind....