Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Isaiah 43:12 says "Forget the former things; do not dwell in the past."

As we yet come to another end of a decade this is what my New Year resolution is going to be...I have been asked already what do you want to change in 2010? Didn't really know exactly what it was until now...we always want to lose weight (which I still do) but I also wanted to do that before Jan 1 and couldn't get motivated and so didn' goal a couple of years ago was not to go shopping so much and stay home more...well that really didn't happen more organized....

I have a tendency to always want to look back...not necessarily wanting to go back but wishing that I would have done things different, not said the things that I said, not did the things that I did...but as I sit here blogging no matter what I do, or think, or try I can not go back..not even for a moment..why then do I forget when I know that I can still mess up...and then look back and think oh my word...why did I just do that or why did I just say that???

The last 10 years have brought a lot of changes into my life...8 grandchildren were born..oldest granddaughter got married and moved to Chicago added 2 more grandchildren to our family...Everett retired..our president was a first for our nation...the threat of our safety has been a real issue, gay marriages, on and on...the fall of the banks, auto industry..but you know if we look back is it really any different...the depression, the dust bowl days..W.W. 1 and W.W. 2 ask our veterans how it was back then...Vietnam..

There are things that we will always remember and there are things we would all like to forget..but the Bible says we should not dwell on the past...but march forward..keeping Heaven in our sight at all times if we are believers...that is how I want to start living my life...totally..pressing on...persevering keeping my eyes on the prize...

Now the next 10 years will again bring many being sometime in the next 10 I will be retiring...right now it kinda scares me...but I know when the time comes I will be ready...

Now one other thing I have to work on is my blood pressure...went back to the Doc yesterday and it was up again and has been....I inherited this from my Mother...
I have to get motivated and get to excising again...when will it be warm???

So looking ahead...putting the former things behind...I am going to press onward...

Happy 2010

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