Sunday, December 13, 2009


When do all the changes take place? When do we all of a sudden change our views on things, when do things that use to excite us,excite us no more? Does it happen during the daytime hours or does it happen at night when we are sleeping.

How can one day we be young and full of energy and full of hopes and dreams for the future and trying to decide what we want to do with our life and hope that all turns out for the best striving along and hoping that tomorrow will be better or different from today and then tomorrow comes and is it??? Do we start off each day believing that maybe today is the day our dreams might come true whatever those dreams hear people of these days...or you know right now I am so happy I can't even imagine anything going wrong...or changing..

You know seems like yesterday I had those same dreams, dreams of the future what they had in store for me...dreams of peace and contentment...happy to be where I am, kinda just settling down and taking it easy for a change instead of trying to keep up with everything and everyone else...well you know what??? When you get here, and that being where ever here is it doesn't happen...well life is easier now for the most part...but still there are things that still don't feel totally settled..and I don't think this side of heaven ever will...and for that I am thankful knowing that will be perfect...

I can look in the mirror and wonder where did the time go and when did all this happen...and then I ponder on and thank God for each day that He has given me and all the blessings.....this Christmas season I want to remember Baby Jesus and what His life meant for me...and take the focus off of me and put it on HIm the one who saved me....

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