Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I was just thinking (that is itself is scary) is this the day that I was worried about a few years back??? Maybe a couple of weeks ago??? Or maybe just yesterday..if so what am I expecting to happen today..not being able to pay my bills??? maybe being sick??? maybe not having my job??? maybe not having Everett anymore??? maybe having been hit by a tornado??? But none of that has happened..I still have my job, Everett is still here, I can still pay my bills, buy groceries, go out and eat, have all my teeth..no deadly disease (that I know of) my children and grandchildren all still healthy for the most part...celiac...but we can live with that...so why pray tell do we waste our days worrying about the future..today is the future from yesterday....I am going to quit...I have gotten better...giving it all over to God trusting Him to take care of things, who knows better then He does anyway..I can't think of anyone..everyone that I have ever known doesn't know everything..only one does and that is our Father in Heaven...

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