Sunday, November 4, 2012

On my heart.....

Today in church Pastor was preaching on the ways of the world...not giving into fleshly desires.
He used a lot of illustrations, what are the ways of our culture that try to draw us in..what temptations draw us away from our focus on God..commercials on TV are really geared for this.

There are a lot. The day can start off and you feel like you can handle anything that comes your way because you have just been on your knees in prayer or just read some very inspiring devotional book and it seems like nothing can take our attention away from our Holy God and bam....before I even get down my steps some thought or something has already caused me to become anxious, fearful, get the picture...failure...

Then we must get back up and look upward.

The pastor said today many examples of this world pulling at us but one of the ones that is so powerfully strong I feel like is PRIDE,,,

Look what I can do....I would never do that...our looks, our education, our home, our car, our clothes..on and me..I can jump higher then you..I am faster, I am more patient,  boasting what we have does not come from the Father but from the world.

There are a lot of different areas of pride. I think a lot of people look at us Christians watching what we do and really a lot of our sin can be in our hearts. God looks at the heart....Man looks on the outside. Most of the time we can take so much time taking care of our outside we forget the most important thing we need to take care of is our heart.....our thoughts....our words.....

Roman 12:1&2....I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service.
2: And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. KJ.

God has showered His blessing on me lately...He gives us so many opportunities to serve Him.
That is what we as Christians are called to do to serve Him...not to be served....I want to have a servant heart.. As David wrote in the Psalms "Create in me a pure heart....

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Thanks for sharing...Love it! It's soooo true!