Monday, April 16, 2012

Nervous Nellie...

I am a nervous nellie when it comes to storms...especially I know I do not stand alone in this fear..mine is just very...well....out there. I become very anxious....I can become very quiet...because I don't know exactly how to handle my fear with it....because I know that it is all in God's hands anyway...I just can't comprehend the thought of losing my home...or worse yet a member of my family....I wanted to crawl in my mom's lap last Saturday because she used to make me feel secure in her arms when I was a little girl....

I know there are a lot of little ones still like Mom and Dad's bed....snuggling up to them..I spent many of stormy nights in my mom's bed....oh the comfort...I got being there...and really, what could she have done if a big one would have hit....

I thought that when I surrendered my life to Christ that maybe some of my big fears would go away...and some have...but I want to snuggle up in God's arms of safety when things here on earth get bumpy....I want security....I want protection...and He did protect last Saturday....I pray for those that got hit...and lost loved ones...I do....but in return I want to THANK HIM for answered prayers....praying for protection of my  loved ones...and my home...we were gone and He watched over.....prayer....prayer....Thank you Father...I want Him to know that I am thankful...and I do not take it for granted when our prayers are answered...

There is a song we sing....Everett and I.....In the Shelter of His Arms.....

There is peace in the times of trouble,
There is peace in the midst of the storm....
There is peace when the world seems raging
In the Shelter of His Arms.....

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