Friday, April 6, 2012

Passing from this life to the next...

Today is Good Friday, the day we set aside to ponder and let our thoughts drift back to what it much have been like over 2000 years ago....when Jesus was crucified...innocent of all wrong...completely sinless and yet they found Him quilty...I have thought about that the last couple of days and what it must have been like for Him to take all the sin of all the world ever...upon himself .....oh the pain He must have bore...I thought of how painful it is when I stub my toe, hammer my finger, a tooth much pain and yet it is nothing compared to what our Savior went through....I want to thank you Jesus...for taking my sins...that I may have ever lasting life....and you didn't stay in the arose....and I too, will not stay in the grave...because of what you did for me......

Today...Good Friday.....2012.....another soul left this earth and went into son-in-law's father Bon Walker....I remember the first time I met him almost 30 years ago....he was painting a house..that's what he did he was a painter...We would aways be together for our Grandchildren's birthday parties...Abby, Annie and Abe....every year....the day our first granddaughter was born...Bon and I were both at the hospital...when our Abby was born we stood by the window of the nursery and both of us argured about who she looked like ....I said my side of the family and he said no she was a Walker all the way through...made me mad....she look like the Boese's...... But you know today she is a beautiful Abby a mix with both of us....

We went to see Bon on glad we did...he talked to us yet...he will be missed....

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